If you’re interested in making money online, you need to check out InfoBarrel. InfoBarrel is an online article repository with a vibrant, active community and a ton of traffic. You sign-up for free and they give you 75% of the ad revenue generated from any articles you publish on their site.
As an added bonus, if you sign-up using my referral link, I will provide you with an original, 400 word article after your first article is approved and live! That will give you an incentive to get started on writing your own content and a reward of a second article as my way of saying thanks!
The key is to get started right away. It takes time for articles to hit the search engines and start to rank for particular keywords, so the more effort you put in up front, the more time your articles will have to percolate and the sooner the money can begin to flow in down the road.
Prior to 2013, you needed to sign-up for free Google AdSense, Amazon Affiliates and Chitika accounts to get the most potential revenue from your articles, but that is no longer the case. It’s even easier to get started. All you need to do now is sign up for a free InfoBarrel account and start writing! If you are interested in promoting particular Amazon products in your articles, I would recommend signing up for the Amazon Affiliate program if you are eligible for Amazon commissions in your particular locale, but the other two are no longer necessary.
If you signup using my referral link, keep an eye on the ‘My Feeds’ link along the top of the page after you login. A day or two afterwards you should see a friend request from me. My account name on InfoBarrel is SandyBeachGuy. Once you accept that, I will be able to message you and provide some further suggestions and tips on getting started.
If you’ve already signed up for InfoBarrel, please be sure to friend me as well. I’m always interested in talking with others interested in achieving success online. InfoBarrel has a very supportive and helpful community, so be sure to stop by the forums and say hello! See you there.
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This is interesting. I am already a member however I have yet to start writing on the site. I want to learn how to use my referral and how to make friends on the site.
davidkaluge is my name.
N.K.David recently posted..Is it wrong to ask someone’s relationship status before asking for a relationship?
Hi David,
Thanks for the comment and definitely be sure to friend me on InfoBarrel as well. Best of luck!
Chris recently posted..Holiday Festivities and Deals